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* PHOENIX U.S.A. - XENOMORPH Update (Version 2.0) *
LEXICOR SOFTWARE is proud to announce the release of PHOENIX 2.0 in the U.S.A.
The following pricing structure is U.S.A. only, European Prices and
Distribution at your closest Lexicor Dealer.
In the USA contact 1726 Francisco Street, Berkeley, CA 94703, U.S.A.
Tel: (510) 848 7621 - Fax: (510) 848 7613
Lexicor Europe can be contacted at (617) 437 0414 or Fax: (617) 437 9413
For European Sales and Distribution please contact the above number.
Pricing Structure is as follows (these Prices are
valid for North America, European prices vary from Country to Country!)
PHOENIX 1.0 Upgrade Policy, return the original disk and payment of 49.95 U$D
and you will receive your PHOENIX 2.0, PHOENIX 1.0 will be known as entry level
PHOENIX and be still available for 69.95.
PHOENIX 2.0 Standard Price will be only 89.95! All Prices do not include, tax,
shipping and handling costs.
= Now to some inside information on Phoenix 2.0 =
Runs Completely under MultiTOS (tm) and supports it completely i.e. you can
Render your images in the background! so now rendering your images will not
tie up your computer completely.
Options to render in
You can now also preview in the resolution of your choice, when Rendering
Phoenix will open up a window of the rendered image and a status bar.
New Palette options, next to best and fixed, you can now render with the
Palette of your choice in the option custom designed palette! This is a very
important new feature that is extremely useful for 8bit animations and fast
Shadows, No Shadows, Caustic Shadows
This New set of features will allow you to turn off the Shadows for individual
objects, this would decrease rendering times for objects that may never need
to cast shadows. Caustic Shadows will simulate th caustic focusing of lights
due to refraction, for use with partially transparent objects.
As well as.....
the usual powerful functions such as specular refraction, break points,
individual glow factors for objects and object transparency and a new Surface
Texture and enhanced Color Texture Menu!
New improved Textures
Alongside the old wood grain, marble and image mapping many new texture as
well as bump mappings have been now included!
Surface Textures
- Ripples creates a rippled water appearance with small somewhat random ripples
- Waves creates ocean type waves
- Bump Mapping produces a bumpy surface
- Eroded very similar to bumps, a small variation of it
- Image Mapping will allow you to use an image (SPC, GIF, TGA) to pertubate
the surface.
Additionally you can control the animation factor to every respective Surface
Texture for example in Waves or Ripple produce an animation cycle of any frames
per cycle of your choice! Create realistic moving waves and ripples!
Color Spline Textures
This is the new texture mapping in Phoenix that allows you to have a lot
more control over the individual texture rather than the old textures. You can
specify the texturing method, describe the color spline, sequence of colors
thus adding various texture layers over each other. It is nearly like a user
defined texture mapper with Bozo, Gradient, Agate, Granite, Marble,
Wood type layers per texture layer.
Color Spline has to many features to go in detail about them, check out our
24bit Color Texture Images (TEXTURES.TGA) to see just some of the power of
this new option. On the disk there are over 100 new textures and texture layers
available to the user. A Texture list at the end of this message.
- Fog Create your own fog effects of your rendered images.
- Background Color, select the color to render in the background of your choice
- Background Image, select the image of your choice to render in the background
Now Xenomorph can light an image with a user-specific light so you can produce
a red-light spotlight, mix it with other lights of different colors to produce
some amazing and interesting effects.
Control your textures in animation so your texture will flow with your
animation as if it is a real part to a moving object! With the new morphing lock
function this can be now be done with morphing animations donw with Chronos and
combined with ANM-Link the missing link to render CHRONOS animations with the
power of the Phoenix Rendering Engine!
Standard Features of Phoenix
o Render Objects with smooth shading, no more polygon edges!
o Objects will render with highlights
o Objects may be textured with wood grain, marble, or wrap and
image around the object
o Each Object may have it's own color palette
o Number of Objects is limited only by memory
o 4 different light source type, up to 21 lights in a scene.
o 3 different camera types. Maneuver the camera anywhere in a
o Graphical object, light and camera positioning editor.
o View and save rendered images as 512 color Spectrum SPC files,
2 to 256 color GIF files, or true color (24bit) Targa files at any
o Simple animation capabilities, or render CTL script animations
(Cyber Control v.1.1 required for CTL animations) or use the new
ANM-LINK (relativity) to render Chronos Key-frame animations with
morphs and cycles.
o Several tutorial and sample objects included
o Runs in any 80 column color or monochrome resolution
o Full math co-processor support
o Plus much much more!
There is a lot more to the new Phoenix, especially the new powerful Color
Spline to give you close to absolute texture control. Lexicor Software will
soon come with a special disk of over hundreds of new textures for use in
Phoenix, but here a small list of the Textures available straight away in
the Phoenix 2.0 disk.
- Wood
User definable with grain color and width, Object Texture Ratio, view
- Marble
User definable with color bands, turbulence, base color, grain, view, Object
Texture Ratio and more
- Image Mapping
Load SPC, TGA or GIF to map in S map (Plane, Cube, Cylinder or Sphere), O
Map (Reflection, Obj Normal, Obj Center, S Map Norm), Tiling (single or
tiled, morph lock, view control, turbulence and Mask (no mask, foreground or
opaque mask) on the object of your choice with your own created image.
Brandnew Textures that come with Phoenix 2.0 (and only useable in Phoenix 2.0)
can be altered in the Color Spline Texture Control, also only individual layers
of that Texture can be saved, loaded and/or manipulated.
WOOD Types: STONE Types: SKY Types: MISC Types:
=========== ============ ========== ===========
Cherry Wood Agate Blue Apocalypse Brass
Dark Wood Agate Brown Clouds Candy
Pine Wood Agate Sapphire Sky Blue1 Cork
Rose Wood Gradient Pink Sky Blue2 Fire/Flame
Sandy Wood Jade Sky Blue3 Peel
Tanned Wood Marble Blood Sky Bright Rust
Toned Wood Marble Red Sky Blood Iron Rust
White Wood Marble White
Yellow Wood Pink Lab
and 7 more and 24 more Stone
Wood types types!
that have each
their own indiv.
* Texture Layers not included on the list, only complete named Textures
* All in all 125 Textures are included on the Phoenix 2.0 disk for the User
And LEXICOR will be releasing texture disks loaded only with brandnew textures
such as Popcorn that will look like real popcorn when rendered! absolutely
The true strength of Phoenix lies in its ease of use, and this ease of use has
been thankfully preserved in Phoenix 2.0, don't be baffled by the wealth of new
Textures and the incredible new functions, it will only take a very short while
to master it.
On the Internet you may contact us on staff@lexicor.com or support@lexicor.com,
optionally you may also email Lexicor@world.std.com
On COMPUSERVE contact 75300,763 or 73073,142 or visit us in topic 11 (LEXICOR)
on atariarts or atariven (type go atariarts).
GENIE contact LEXICOR or Y.SIU or visit us at the GRAPHICS RT on page 1415
(type m1415) in Category 22 (LEXICOR SUPPORT) or just type GRAPHICS to enter
the forum.
On DELPHI contact LEXICOR or LEXICORWORLD or visit us in the Atari Advantage
Area (type go com atari).